Are you looking for a new logo for your business or organization, but not quite sure where to start? One option that has become increasingly popular in recent years is the logo design contest. But what exactly is a logo design contest, and how do they work?

In this article, we will take a closer look at How Logo Design Contests Work: Top 10 Drawbacks of Using Logo Design Contests.

What is a Logo Design Contest?

A logo design contest is a competition where multiple designers submit logo designs based on a specific brief or set of requirements. The contest is typically hosted on a website or platform that connects businesses with designers.

The designer who creates the winning logo is then awarded a prize, which can range from a cash prize to a contract for future design work.

Advantages of Using Logo Design Contests:

There are several advantages to using a logo design contest to create a new logo:

Variety: By hosting a logo design contest, you are able to receive a variety of design options from multiple designers.

Cost-effective: Logo design contests can be more cost-effective than hiring a single designer to create a logo.

Time-saving: Hosting a logo design contest can save you time, as designers will work on your project simultaneously.

Exposure: Logo design contests can give your business or organization exposure to a wider audience, as designers may share their submissions on social media or other platforms.

Top 10 Drawbacks of Using Logo Design Contests:

Logo design contests are a popular way for businesses to get a new logo designed quickly and cheaply. However, they come with their fair share of drawbacks. In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 drawbacks of using logo design contests.

Lack of Personalization

Logo design contests typically involve designers submitting their own ideas for the logo based on a brief provided by the client. However, this process doesn’t allow for much personalization.

The designer doesn’t get to know the client or the brand as well as they would in a one-on-one relationship, which can result in a logo that doesn’t quite fit the brand.

Poor Quality Designs

With logo design contests, you get what you pay for. Most contests offer small prizes, which means that the quality of the designs submitted may not be up to par. Some designers may even submit copied or generic designs, which can lead to trademark issues down the line.

Limited Revisions

Most logo design contests only allow for a limited number of revisions, which can be problematic if the initial designs don’t meet the client’s expectations. Without the ability to have ongoing communication with the designer, it can be difficult to get the logo just right.

No Control Over the Design Process

When working with a designer one-on-one, the client has more control over the design process. They can give feedback throughout the process and make adjustments as needed.

With logo design contests, the client has little to no control over the design process and must simply choose from the designs that are submitted.

No Guarantee of Quality

Logo design contests often attract designers who are just starting out or looking to make a quick buck. This means that there is no guarantee that the designs submitted will be of high quality. It’s up to the client to weed out the poor designs and choose the best one.


Logo design contests can be very time-consuming for both the client and the designers. The client must sort through a large number of designs to find the best one, while the designers must invest time and effort into creating a design that may not be chosen.

Lack of Communication

In most logo design contests, there is little to no communication between the client and the designers. This can lead to misunderstandings and mistakes in the design process.

No Intellectual Property Rights

In most logo design contests, the designer retains the intellectual property rights to the design even if it is chosen by the client. This can lead to legal issues down the line if the designer decides to use the design elsewhere.

No Guarantee of Unique Design

Logo design contests can attract many designers who may not be aware of trademark laws and may submit designs that are too similar to existing logos. This can lead to trademark issues down the line and potentially costly legal battles.

Lack of Professionalism

Logo design contests can be seen as a less professional way of getting a logo designed. It can give the impression that the business is not willing to invest in their branding, which can turn off potential customers.

While logo design contests can be a quick and affordable way to get a logo designed, they come with many drawbacks.

Lack of personalization, poor quality designs, limited revisions, and lack of control over the design process are just a few of the issues that businesses may face when using logo design contests.

It’s important to carefully weigh the pros and cons before deciding if a logo design contest is the right choice for your business.

How to Participate in a Logo Design Contest:

If you’re interested in participating in a logo design contest, here are some tips to help you get started:

Research the contest requirements: Before you begin designing your logo, make sure you fully understand the requirements of the contest.

Read the brief carefully and take note of any specific design elements or styles that the client is looking for. Be sure to also take note of any deadlines or submission requirements.

Brainstorm and sketch ideas: Take some time to brainstorm and sketch out potential logo ideas. Keep in mind the requirements of the contest, as well as the target audience and brand identity.

You may also want to consider creating a mood board or gathering inspiration from other successful logos.

Refine your ideas: Once you have a few potential logo ideas, start to refine them. Consider factors such as color, typography, and layout. Make sure your design is visually appealing and effectively communicates the intended message.

Get feedback: Show your logo designs to friends, family, or other designers for feedback. Constructive criticism can help you identify areas for improvement and make your design stronger.

Submit your entry: Once you’re happy with your design, submit it according to the contest requirements. Be sure to include any necessary documentation, such as a design brief or style guide. And don’t forget to double-check your submission to ensure all requirements have been met.

Benefits of Participating in a Logo Design Contest:

Participating in a logo design contest can have several benefits, including:

Exposure: Logo design contests often receive a lot of attention, which can give designers exposure and help them gain more clients.

Opportunity to improve: Constructive feedback from contest judges or other designers can help participants improve their skills and develop new techniques.

Chance to work with a new brand: Participating in a logo design contest can give designers the opportunity to work with a new brand and gain experience in a new industry.

Prize money: Many logo design contests offer prize money to the winner, which can be a valuable source of income for freelance designers.

Building a portfolio: Winning a logo design contest can help a designer build their portfolio and attract more clients in the future.

In Conclusion, Logo design contests can be a great way for designers to showcase their skills, gain exposure, and potentially win prize money. However, it’s important to carefully research and consider each contest before entering.

Make sure the requirements align with your design style and capabilities, and don’t be afraid to seek feedback and make revisions before submitting your final entry.

With the right approach, a logo design contest can be a valuable opportunity for any designer looking to build their portfolio and gain recognition in the industry.